+++ Invitation to all sponsors, press, radio and TV! ++++ 07.12.98 ++++ news
Report: Monday, 07. December 1998 (Illik)
Place: Furtwangen
For Friday, 22nd January 1999, all sponsors of the RelationShip-Project are invited to a project presentation at the University of Applied Science Furtwangen. The presentation starts at 3.00pm (15.00h) and ends about 7.00pm (19.00h). This event is organized by the "Internet-Marketing-Task force" and the "Project-Support-Structures" of Mr. Prof. Illik (illik@fh-furtwangen.de).
This event also receives support by the Kreissparkasse Furtwangen, the Volksbank Furtwangen, companies SSS Siedle (Furtwangen), Druckerei Leitz (Furtwangen), Gräflich von Kageneck'sche Wein- und Sektkellerei (Breisach), Heinz Sauter Fabrik für technische Federn (Furtwangen), Hewlett-Packard (Böblingen) and the city Furtwangen.
Welcome are also potential sponsors, press, radio and TV. More about the event will be released soon.
+++ Change on the departure from Bayona! ++++ 12/04/98 ++++ news ++++ news ++++
Report: Friday, 04. December 1998 (Schmid/Illik)
Place: Furtwangen
In the plenary assembly of the RelationShip-Management (Thursday, 11/26/1998), a deadline has been changed. The trimaran will depart unmanned the Bayona's harbour at the beginning of April 1999. The time until than will be used to update the technology: The trimaran will be reachable over three communication channels. Since the start in Wilhelmshaven a communication system from Inmarsat has been installed. A packet-radio-system (70cm-amateur-band) and a additional computer autonomous radio connection will be installed until March 1999.
The 'Calypso' as the escort ship is canceled, because the Teliga 45 has a fixed time schedule for her circumnavigation of the globe.
+++ Secured by law ++++ 11/05/98 ++++ news ++++
Fax: Thursday, 29. October
Place: Furtwangen;
The route from Bayona to La Palma is secured by nautical law.
Extract of a notice from the ministry of traffic, construction and housing.
+++ arrived at Bayona ! ++++ 10/28/98 ++++ news ++++ news ++++
Report: Wednesday, 28. October
1998; 11:30 pm (schmid / illik)
Place: Furtwangen
Earlier than expected by the WEB Editorial office, Ulf Thiele arrives at the spanish port Bayona. Ulf Thiele has been active as RelationShip-Skipper in late July 1998. This time wind and weather seems to be better inclined to him compared to the the last time in Lézardrieux.
+++ Information-tailback removed...++++ 10/26/98 ++++ news ++++ news ++++
Report: Monday, 26. October
1998; 11:30 am (katzsch / illik)
Place: Furtwangen
Semester break is over, the task forces are active again. Here is a summary of information about "The RelationShip".
The rudder damage (see below) reported on 07. August 1998 is in all probability explained by the contact with rigging floating in the water. This is the result of the analysis of the rudder itself and the electronic protocol.
What has been done at "The RelationShip" in La Coruna?
Which assignments are still to solve?
The next planned steps...
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