
Overview* Project *ServicePressSponsorsContact

* Aims

Project Goals

RelationShip is an interdisciplinary project of
the University of Applied Sciences FH Furtwangen.

The aims of the project become clear on several levels:


Bringing together students an staff of different departments - electronics, computer science, media, mechanical engineering, product engineering communication and law in one project at the University of Applied Sciences FH Furtwangen.


The focus is placed on developing completely new ways of automated control systems and remote control of autonomous systems.


Also, establishing a plattform for the co-operation of many international partners - individuals, universities, industrial firms and service industries.



This project will promote intercultural understanding and will help establish friendship across borders. It will be the centre of public interest, making RelationShip an ideal opportunity for advertisement.


Stopovers on different continents offer the possibility for public events in addition to the Internet presentations.


last modified: 02.11.1997 © RelationShip-WWW-Group (Prof. Illik)