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What has been done at "The RelationShip" in La Coruna?

The manned test-turn from Wilhelmshaven through the channel and over the Biskaya gave lots of test-results. The evaluation of the data and new experiences are reflected in technical changes of the trimaran. It was August 21st, 1998 (see below) when the engineers and technical crew of the University of Applied Science FH Furtwangen with Jürgen Wentworth-Paul, Rolf Aberle, Karl-Ernst Friedlin, Andreas Iwan and Steffen Schaarschmidt with his mobil shipyard arrived in the marina of La Coruna. Volker Möhlmann and Armin Schröer, two of the sponsors and graduates, completed the team. They were responsible for the onboard-software. From now on, the trimaran and its engineers crew, including the mobil shipyard, was a main event for the spanish people. Many interviews and TV broadcasts in Spain lead to that the project was even more popular in Spain than it was in Germany. A very good report with impressive pictures from La Coruna can be found in the magazine ONLINE TODAY No. 10/98, page 54-60 under the title "Captain Computer" or check out the section "press" on this page. Here is a detailed list of all changes made by the task-force:

  • Installation of a new rudder control with new rudder.
  • Installation of a new autonomous rudder unit.
  • Installation of a new manual control system with galvanic separation to the rudder and additional security functionality.
  • Installation of a new cover for the satellite receiver unit.
  • Assembly and installation of a new automatic oil feed for the engine.
  • Installation of a new clutch and optimization of the rescue winch.
  • Installation of an automatic, via the board computer controllable, engine starter as an additional security feature for the power supply.
  • Installation of the mast-top-sensor.
  • Mounting of the distinguishing marks for the maneuver disability.
  • Repairs on the ship and sail.

Thank you very much to the Real-Nautic-Club of La Coruna, whose members supported us all the time and in every possible way.

Which assignments are still to solve?

Talks with the ministry of traffic, shipping department (BMV), did not solve the maritime law and are still basis for discussion. The identification of "The RelationShip" as a "maneuver disabled vehicle" is not enough as legal grounds for the first boat every traveling unmanned and only guided by satellite, as the BMV is telling. Together with the BMV, the director of the ministry for seafaring located in Hamburg, as well as the institute for maritime law and maritime trading law at the university of Hamburg have had talks with Mr. Köstermenke (FHF) about two different ways to solve these problems about the maritime law and liability of "The RelationShip" project.
One variation would be the escort of "The RelationShip" by a boat, whose crew could interfere into the guiding system of the trimaran via radio in case the connection to the control center in Furtwangen would have a bad reception. This solution is at least followed up for the first unmanned stage from Bayona to La Palma. To show the feasibility of the overall plan, this stage is planned to be done before the end of the year.
The route to Kapstadt needed to be postponed until May 1999 on account of the weather conditions in December. The advantage: after a successful unmanned stage there is time for looking around for new sponsors!

The next planned steps...

  • The transfer of the trimaran from La Coruna to Bayona through the crew until early November 1998.
  • Realization of the technical modifications to give the escort ship crew the possibility to interfere the control of the trimaran through radio.
  • Test drive of the trimaran and escort ship in Bayona to proof the functionality of the control and the possibility to stop the vehicle whenever needed, corresponding to article 6 of the maritime law.
  • After a successful test drive and approval from BMV, the start for the first unmanned stage is planned early December 1998.



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