As someone from Furtwangen (I almost want to say I am the only one here from Furtwangen who is a member of the RelationShip project) I was kind of irritated as I heard that the University of Applied Science Furtwangen plans to build a unmanned and radio controlled trimaran.
First thing I did was to take a encyclopedia and looked up the word 'Trimaran'. Alright, a sailing boat with three hulls. The question which came up was: "Why would we want to build a sailing boat here in the Black Forest? The Eskimos do not build any refrigerators either." On top of this after I had a negative experience on a boat during my vacation, I have something against everything that floats on water.
But after I spend some time with studying the idea, the goals and the assignments of the RelationShip, I decided to join the team. Meanwhile I can say that the work is very interesting and a lot of fun. It is something different if you work on a fictitious project, a constructed case study or a real project with all its problems and challenges. Here you can see and feel project management and team work and you know you do something important and useful.
As the media reported about student strikes on nearly all universities in Germany, the University of Applied Science FH Furtwangen was in the center with its project "The RelationShip". In TV reports, radio interviews and newspaper has been talked about the RelationShip project and the motivation and enthusiasm of the students who work on this project. I believe that this was a great advertisement for the University of Applied Science FH Furtwangen and we should be proud of it. I think people will hear only good things in the future from Furtwangen and I want to encourage students to work as a member of the RelationShip team, just as our motto is: Be Part Of The Challenge.
Markus Ganter
19. Januar 1998
Editorial office annotation:
Translated by Martin Siefert